Sunday, November 17, 2013

Plans for the remainder of the year

Winter seems to be in full swing now

Last Thursday, we had our first snow flurry of the season.  It didn't stick, but any hope of a mild winter is gone.  If the weather shows promise, I am going to go for a shake down camping trip.  However, with the lows in the 30s over the next 10 days, this doesn't seem to be a reality for me.  I want to stay within an hour or two of my house in case I have a technical failure. Camping season is ending soon in most of the Virginia state parks.

My goal for the upcoming week is to get my current gear organized so that I can put the cot, privacy curtains, and gear in the van to see how it goes. I am going to purchase a small electric heater and attempt an overnight sleep in the driveway. This will at least give me an idea if the cot is a good size and if the foam mattress is a decent thickness.  My husband doesn't think the 4 inch topper plus an egg shell topper is going to be enough padding.  Only sleeping on it will tell if this will be okay.

If the overnight in my driveway works out, then I might consider a drive down further south to SC or GA.  I will need to do this over a weekend since I still don't have a mobile internet option worked out.  Looks like I will be adding "research state parks in SC and GA" to my list of things to do.

What to do about food is next on my list to research

I have shifted my eating habits.  This has caused me to think about how to maintain my more healthy eating as I am out camping.  I know some folks get dehydrated veggies, dehydrated beans, and parboiled rice for healthier meals.  I will admit that most of my healthier meals are prepackaged, expensive items.  Learning how to to make similar meals with bulk items would be beneficial on many fronts.