Sunday, November 17, 2013

Plans for the remainder of the year

Winter seems to be in full swing now

Last Thursday, we had our first snow flurry of the season.  It didn't stick, but any hope of a mild winter is gone.  If the weather shows promise, I am going to go for a shake down camping trip.  However, with the lows in the 30s over the next 10 days, this doesn't seem to be a reality for me.  I want to stay within an hour or two of my house in case I have a technical failure. Camping season is ending soon in most of the Virginia state parks.

My goal for the upcoming week is to get my current gear organized so that I can put the cot, privacy curtains, and gear in the van to see how it goes. I am going to purchase a small electric heater and attempt an overnight sleep in the driveway. This will at least give me an idea if the cot is a good size and if the foam mattress is a decent thickness.  My husband doesn't think the 4 inch topper plus an egg shell topper is going to be enough padding.  Only sleeping on it will tell if this will be okay.

If the overnight in my driveway works out, then I might consider a drive down further south to SC or GA.  I will need to do this over a weekend since I still don't have a mobile internet option worked out.  Looks like I will be adding "research state parks in SC and GA" to my list of things to do.

What to do about food is next on my list to research

I have shifted my eating habits.  This has caused me to think about how to maintain my more healthy eating as I am out camping.  I know some folks get dehydrated veggies, dehydrated beans, and parboiled rice for healthier meals.  I will admit that most of my healthier meals are prepackaged, expensive items.  Learning how to to make similar meals with bulk items would be beneficial on many fronts.

Monday, November 11, 2013

No news is no news

The temperatures have dropped and my motivation follows

Several weeks ago, fall appeared full force.  Work kept me busy.  No progress made on a camping adventure for this year.

Also, if there is such a thing as camper's block (akin to the writer's variety), then I have it.

I discover that as all the blocks are removed, I have no excuse

Reading blogs, making lists, dreaming of the perfect trailer all kept me from making plans for when dreams become a reality.  I discover that as soon as I simplify my plans that I realize that I spent so much time with pie in the sky dreams that I do not think about what to do when all the roadblocks are gone.

I also started telling people about my plans.  My mom was horrified that I would sleep in my van.  I guess she equates that with not having means to live any other way.  For a couple weeks, we played the transfer wars.  She would transfer money to my account so I could take a weekend trip and stay in a hotel.  I would transfer the money back because I can afford to pay for a hotel if I wanted. She couldn't understand WHY. 

However, this is her issue, not mine. 

After a while, the words crept into my brain, causing me to think that maybe there was something wrong with me.  I remember reading on RV Sue's blog early in her adventures about how she was staying at an RV park and came across a woman who had an extension cord go into her vehicle.  She had empathy for a woman who would need to do so and refused to gawk at the situation.  Honestly, I didn't want random strangers to feel sorry for me.

What makes one type of vehicle okay to camp in but not another?

Public perception?  That is lame. Car camping allows me to see if I can travel while working remotely for my current job.  I am not out thousands of dollars for a cheap(er) used travel trailer that I can pull with my van.  I am able to ease into the life style with very little financial commitment.  How is traveling from campsite to campsite, setting up a tent and sleeping on the ground any different?  Would people feel sorry for those that do that?  Or is it that when you stay in an RV site in a car/truck/van that poverty is the first thought on those in more expensive set ups?

Looking towards the future

With November almost half over, I plan to spend the next several months finishing up the build-out for my camper van.  I can now purchase the last bit of items that I need doing research for the best prices and the best item for the job rather than just getting something because it fits 80% of the criteria.

I will also use this time to plan out possible excursions and save up cash for entrance fees, camp fees, and gas.  I still need to do a shake down trip or three.  I have some ideas for what I would like to see and do.  Once I get some firm plans in place, I will share here.

When spring arrives, I will be outfitted and have a plan to start my adventure.

I am okay and my mood is better
