Sunday, September 29, 2013

Slow progress is still progress

This past week was spent shopping and finishing up building the bed.  I found some large sealable containers to go under the bed, got the foam mattress topper, bedding, and a camping stove from various stores. 

I think I also solved my window covering issue by putting the loop part of Velcro on my windows and cutting fleece to match the approximate size of each window. Initial experiments are good.

From Amazon, I purchased a LED lamp and a fan.  The lamp is battery operated and is lightweight enough to also carry around as a flashlight.  The fan can be powered by a plug or 8 D cell batteries.

The husband got me various things when he went and got the paint tarp to cover the top of the bed. He camp back with various extension cords, a mag light, a head lamp, and some other things I cannot recall.

I plan on getting a campsite with electric for my first outing, which I still plan to do this upcoming weekend.

I still have a lot to do.  I finally unrolled the foam mattress topper last night. Supposedly, the shape will be regained after 24 hours.  This morning, it was still in need of reshaping so hopefully tomorrow the shape will improve.  I also need to finish cutting the fleece to size for my remaining windows. I am going to deal with the floor as is for this initial run.  I have already gotten my toes a couple times.  When I go out longer, this will have to be resolved.